Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fresh Meat Color

By: Suharyanto

The first indicator for consumers choose meat is meat color. The color of fresh meat is a typical red meat in accordance with their species.

The color of fresh meat is a total impression seen by the eye and is influenced by many conditions. The main contributor for meat color is meat pigment, myoglobin and hemoglobin. Thus, meat color shows manifestations of meat pigment captured by eyes due to light availability.

Myoglobin and hemoglobin is a protein-containing globin and heme ring with nucleus of ring binds ion Fe (iron). Level reddish or brownish in one type of meat is determined by the status of Fe ions. Fe ion in the reduced state (Fe2+) will be bright red flesh color. If the Fe ion in the oxidized state (Fe3+), meat becomes more brownish (metmyoglobin). Both states could change depending on the presence of oxygen, environmental conditions, treatment provided and so forth.[]


rozi said...

excellent posting!.. i like it

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