Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Meat and Muscle

By: SUharyanto

Meat is obtained after the muscle change through the process of slaughter, or animal off. During and immediately after animal is slaughtered, muscle changes that affect meat properties and quality.

Meat is defined as all body tissues of animals and processed products of meat suitable for consumption. Meat should not cause health problems to who consume it. The definition includes all meat over the organs like liver, kidney, brain, lungs, heart, spleen, pancreas and muscle tissue.

Meat is composed of various body tissues such as adipose tissue, connective tissue, nerve tissue, epithelial tissue and muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is the largest component of the meat so the discussion is much about studying the nature of this muscle tissue, especially sceletal muscle.

However, that is often used as a discussion of the meat is just muscle (sceletal muscle tissue) is converted into meat after animals are slaughtered. When referring to the SNI SNI 01-3947-1995 and 01-3948-1995 then beef/buffalo and goat/sheep was described as a tendon attached to the frame, unless the tendon on the lips, nose and ears are derived from cow / buffalo A healthy when cut. As for horse meat has not been included in the Indonesian National Standard (SNI).

If referring to the ISO, then the meat is the one with the carcass. Carcasses are cattle that have been slaughtered and disposed of her blood, shelled (except pork)/feather removal in birds, removed his head from the base of the head, dumped digestive track, removed internal organs except the kidneys, removed the front and rear legs of the knee (except pork, whole). Poultry is an insert on the neck rather than into the category of the carcass.[]


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